Fuel Tank Group Assignment 1 [Programs, Laser cutting, Pattern making]

Fuel Tank Planning Stage

Our group decided to work on the digital tank model done by Andrew Wallace.

Group Members

Da Na Yang
Claire Liu
Dante Wang
Dory Wu
Frank He
Matthew Ng
Xujie Feng
Yaoxuan Wang
Yuqing Wu
Ahi Yuan Lin

18th April 2018 / Week 6

1. We used Photogrammetry or Rhino and Grasshopper techniques to open up already created files from the link below.

2. Download digital model by Andrew Wallace


3. Open up the file from Rhino and experimented on how to import to slicer.

2nd May 2018 / Week 8

1. Our team worked on the computer program with the help of Russell and opened up the grasshopper using Rhino.

2. We checked the model in wireframe view and solid view

3. Imported the file and arrange the pieces onto Slicer and adjusted the joint widths to 3.0mm and began laser cutting the pieces.

4. It worked out to fit perfectly, by not getting too loose or tight.

5. Although, the surface was led with burnt marks and was told if the template were duplicated as the laser was cutting through the lines twice

6. Left and Top view of completed pattern

9th May 2018 / Week 8

6. We assembled the pieces together and wanted to figure out on, how we can hold the pieces tightly together. Three suggestions were made:
1) Gluing between the joints
2) Wrapping around with glad wrap
3) Taping with masking tape
We chose option three and used the masking tape to hold the pieces horizontally and in vertically.

7. Matthew Ng used the black marker dot point the contour lines to divide the tank into three.

8. We pasted two x A3 papers to create the patten on the left side of tank and cut through the lines to check the curves.

9. We joined the cut with masking tape
